You want to transport goods outside the usual standards? We are your partner! We guarantee perfect implementation of highly specialized projects and transport inquiries.
Transport by rail is considered efficient, cheap and, above all, environmentally friendly! We take care of your shipment on the longest railway in the world!
If the transportation of your goods needs to be handled in the fastest way possible, transport via air is your first choice. We guarantee first-class service and ship your goods to all parts of the world.
Put your trust in our experience!
I've been working in the freight forwarding industry for nearly 20 years, and FML Logistics marks the latest step in my career. With the establishment of this company in the beginning of 2018, I was able to fulfill a dream, I have been fostering for a long time.
When I started my apprenticeship in 1999, I felt it was clear to me, that the transport-industry is where I feel at home and already toyed with the thought of one day being able to autonomously gain foothold in this industry.
After gaining experience in various departments, from 2001 onwards I focused on the areas of sea freight and project traffic. In 2012 I moved to a company in Linz, where I worked as an international project coordinator for six years.
It is especially important to me, to be able to offer short decision paths, as I reject the classic way of “corporate thinking” or just the corporate way of handling things, meaning many intermediate stages and often times long decision-making processes. I am available as a competent contact person in all areas and can rely on many reliable partners. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!